Publicacions en revistes

  • Argüeso, D., R. Romero, and V. Homar, "Precipitation features of the Maritime Continent in parameterized and explicit convection models", "Journal of Climate", Volum 33, Número 6, Pàgines 2449-2466, 2020. Article.
  • E. M. El Khalki, Y. Tramblay, A. Amengual, V. Homar, R. Romero, M. E. Mehdi Saidi and M. Alaouri, "Validation of the AROME, ALADIN and WRF Meteorological Models for Flood Forecasting in Morocco", "Water", Volum 12, Número 437, Pàgines 1-18, 2020. Article.
  • Jon A. Arrillaga; Pedro Jiménez; Jordi Vilà?Guerau de Arellano; Maria A. Jiménez; Carlos Román?Cascón; Mariano Sastre; Carlos Yagüe, "Analyzing the Synoptic?, Meso? and Local? Scale Involved in Sea Breeze Formation and Frontal Characteristics", "Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres", Volum 125, Número 4, Pàgines 1-23, 2020. Article.
  • Cuxart, J.; Martínez-Villagrasa, D.; Stiperski, I., "Validation of a simple diagnostic relationship for downslope flows", "Atmospheric Science Letters", 2020. Article.
  • R. Beltran; P. Beca; N. Marbà; M.A. Jiménez; A. Traveset, "Temporal and spatial variation in macrofauna community structure in Mediterranean seagrass wracks", "Food Webs", Volum 25, Pàgines e00178, 2020. Article.
  • Hermoso, A.; Homar, V. y Yano, J.I., "Exploring the limits of ensemble forecasting via solutions of the Liouville equation for realistic geophysical models", "Atmospheric Research", Volum 246, Pàgines 105127-105127, 2020. Article.
  • Hermoso, A.; Homar, V.; Greybush, J. S.; Stensrud, D. J., "Tailored Ensemble Prediction Systems: Application of Seamless Scale Bred Vectors", "Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan", Volum 98, Número 5, Pàgines 1029-1050, 2020. Article.
  • Maimó-Far, Aina; Tantet, Alexis; Homar, Víctor; Drobinski, Philippe, "Predictable and unpredictable climate variability impacts on optimal renewable energy mixes: the example of Spain" [Online], "Energies", Volum 13, Número 19, Pàgines 5132, 2020. Article.
  • Vich, M., and R. Romero, "Forecasting meteotsunamis with neural networks: the case of Ciutadella harbour (Balearic Islands)", "Natural Hazards" [Online publication], 2020. Article.
  • Cardell, M. F., A. Amengual, R. Romero, and C. Ramis, "Future extremes of temperature and precipitation in Europe derived from a combination of dynamical and statistical approaches", "International Journal of Climatology", Volum 40, Pàgines 4800-4827, 2020. Article.
  • Roux, H., A. Amengual, R. Romero, E. Bladé, and M. Ramos, "Evaluation of two hydrometeorological ensemble strategies for flash-flood forecasting over a catchment of the eastern Pyrenees", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum 20, Pàgines 425-450, 2020. Article.
  • El Khalki, E. M., Y. Tramblay, A. Amengual, V. Homar, R. Romero, M. E. Mehdi Saidi, and M. Alaouri, "Validation of the AROME, ALADIN and WRF meteorological models for flood forecasting in Morocco", "Water", Volum 12, Número 437, 2020. Article.
  • Sanz-Ramos, M., B. Martí-Cardona, E. Bladé, I. Seco, A. Amengual, H. Roux, and R. Romero, "NRCS-CN estimation from on site and remote sensing data for the management of a reservoir in the eastern Pyrenees", "Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering", Volum 25(9), Número 05020022, 2020. Article.
  • Antoni Grau; Maria A. Jiménez; Joan Cuxart, "Characterization of the sea-breeze physical mechanisms through in-situ and satellite observations", "International Journal of Climatology", 2020. Article.
  • Maria A. Jiménez; Antoni Grau; Joan Cuxart, "Generation of chilling hours maps using surface observations and satellite data", "Atmospheric Research", Volum 236, Número 104807, 2020. Article.