Publicacions en revistes

  • Ramis, C.; Homar, V.; Amengual, A.; Romero, R.; Alonso, S., "Daily precipitation records over mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum 13, Pàgines 2483-2491, 2013. Article.
  • Martinez, D.; Whiteman, C.D.; Hoch, S.W.; Lehner, M.; Cuxart, J., "The upslope-downslope flow transition on a basin sidewall", "Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology", Volum 52, Número 12, Pàgines 2715-2734, 2013. Article.
  • Tous, M.; Romero, R., "Meteorological environments associated with medicane development", "International Journal of Climatology", Volum 33, Pàgines 1-14, 2013. Article.
  • Tous, M.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C., "Surface heat fluxes influence on medicane trajectories and intensification", "Atmospheric Research", Volum 123, Pàgines 400-411, 2013. Article.
  • Romero, R.; Emanuel, K., "Medicane risk in a changing climate", "Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres", Volum 118, 2013. Article.
  • Amengual, A.; Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Brooks, H.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S., "Projections of heat waves with high impact on human health in Europe", "Climatic Change", 2013. Article.
  • Osca, J.; Romero, R.; Alonso, S., "Precipitation projections for Spain by means of a weather typing statistical method", "Global and Planetary Change", Volum 109, Pàgines 46-63, 2013. Article.
  • Navascués, B.; Calvo, J.; Morales, G.; Santoa, C.; Callado, A.; Cansado, A.; Cuxart, J.; Díez, M.; del Río, P.; Escribà, P.; García-Colombo, O.; García-Moya, J.A.; Geijo, C.; Gutiérrez, E.; Hortal, M.; Martínez, I.; Orfila, B.; Parodi, J.A.; Rodríguez, E.; Sánchez-Arriola, J.; Santos-Atienza, I.; Simarro, J., "Long-term verification of HIRLAM and ECMWF forecasts over Southern Europe: History and perspectives of Numerical Weather Prediction at AEMET", "Atmospheric Research", Volum 125-126, Pàgines 20-233, 2013. Article.
  • HoltslAg, A.A.M.; Svensson, G.; Baas, P.; Basu, S.; Beare, B.; Beljaars, A.C.M.; Bosveld, F.C.; Cuxart, J.; Lindvall, J.; Steeneveld, G.J.; Tjernstrom, M.; Van de Wiel, B.J.H., "Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers and Diurnal Cycles: Challenges for Weather and Climate Models", "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society", Volum 94, Número 11, Pàgines 1691-1706, 2013. Article.
  • Simarro, J.; Homar, V.; Simarro, G., "A non-hydrostatic global spectral dynamical core using a height-based vertical coordinate", "Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography", 2013. Article.
  • Ramis, C.; Homar, V., "Foreword", "Atmospheric Research", Volum 123, Pàgines 1, 2013. Article.