Altres publicacions

  • Amengual A. and Borga M.. , "Hydrometeorological analysis of an extreme flash-flood: The 28 September 2012 event in Murcia, south-eastern Spain", In Leal Filho, W., Nagy, G., Borga, M., Chávez Muñoz, D., Magnuszewsk, A. (Eds) Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options handling the impacts of a changing climate. Suïssa, 2020. Capítol de llibre.
  • Ramis, C., M. F. Cardell, A. Amengual, R. Romero, V. Homar, S. Alonso, and A. Jansà. , "Climate change and extreme events", Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, Eds., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2020. Capítol de llibre.
  • M.A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart. , "El potencial eòlic dels pendents de la Serra de Tramuntana", Els molins de vent a Mallorca (Amigos de los Molinos de Mallorca). Espanya, 2020. Capítol de llibre.
  • Lead Authors: Houda Ben Janet Allal; Vincent Bouchet; Edouard Civel ; Anna Creti; Neven Duic; Nestor Fylaktos; Joseph Mutale ; Silvia Pariente-David; Joe Ravetz; Constantinos Taliotis; Robert Vautard Contributing Authors: Kaouther Ben Nasr; Thierry Brunelle; Mikaël Cugnet; Paola de Joanna; Sokol Dervishi; Juan Fernandez-Manjarrés; Dora Francese; Benoit Gabrielle; Lisa Guarrera; Victor Homar Santaner; Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi; Rémy Lapère; Aina Maimo-Far; Emanuela Menichetti; Lina Murauskaite; Federico Pontoni; Gianmaria Sannino; Roxane Sansilvestri; Alexis Tantet; Michelle Van Vliet. , "Energy transition in the Mediterranean", Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin. Current Situation and Risks for the Future. 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report. França, 2020. Informes de recerca.