Publicacions en revistes
D.S. Carrió; V. Homar; D. Wheatley, "Potential of an EnKF Storm-Scale Data Assimilation System Over Sparse Observation Regions with Complex Orography " , "Atmospheric Research" , Volum 216, Pàgines 186-206, 2019. Article. Ji, F.; Evans, J. P.; Di Luca, A.; Jiang, N.; Olson, R.; Argüeso, D.; Chang, L. T-C.; Scorgie, Y.; Riley, M., "Projected change in characteristics of near surface temperature inversions for southeast australia " , "Climate Dynamics" , Volum 52, Pàgines 1487-1503, 2019. Article. V. Garcia-Santos; J. Cuxart; MA Jiménez; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; G. Simó; R. Picos; V. Caselles, "Study of temperature heterogeneities at subkilometric scales and impact on surface-atmosphere energy interactions " , "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing" , Volum 57, Número 2, Pàgines 640-654, 2019. Article. Cardell, M. F., R. Romero, A. Amengual, V. Homar, and C. Ramis, "A quantile-quantile adjustment of the EURO-CORDEX projections for temperatures and precipitation" , "International Journal of Climatology" , Volum 39, Pàgines 2901-2918, 2019. Article. M.A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart; D. Martínez?Villagrasa, "Influence of a valley exit jet on the nocturnal atmospheric boundary layer at the foothills of the Pyrenees " , "Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society" , Volum 145, Pàgines 356-375, 2019. Article. G. Di Virgili; J.P. Evans; A. Di Luca; R. Olson; D. Argüeso, J. Kala; J. Andrys; P. Hoffmann; J.J. Katzfey; B. Rockel., "Evaluating reanalysis-driven CORDEX regional climate models over Australia: model performance and errors " , "Climate Dynamics" , Volum 53, Pàgines 2985-3005, 2019. Article. J.A. Arrillaga; C. Yagüe; C. Román-Cascón; M. Sastre; M.A. Jiménez; G. Maqueda; J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, "From weak to intense downslope winds: origin, interaction with boundary-layer turbulence and impact on CO2 variability " , "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics" , Volum 19, Pàgines 4615-4635, 2019. Article. Cuxart, J.; Verhoef,A.; Marthews, T.R.; Evans, J, "Current Challenges in Evapotranspiration Determination" , "GEWEX News" , 2019. Review. Boone, A.; Best, M.; Cuxart, J.; Polcher, J.; Quintana, P.; Bellvert, J.; Brooke, J.; Canut-Rocafort, G.; Price, J., "Land Surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-Arid Environment (LIAISE)" , "GEWEX News" , 2019. Review. Jime?nez, M.A.; Moranta, D.; Torrens, J.; Ferrer, L.; Jurado-Rivera, J.A.; Palomino, C.; Borra?s, A.; Santamarta, R.; Tejada, S.; Sureda, A.; Masdeu, F. y Bibiloni, M.M., "A critical review of the organization, methodology and assessment in the first-year laboratory lectures of science and engineering degrees at the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain) " , "EDULEARN Proceedings" , Pàgines 1670-1677, 2019. Article. Gemma Simó, Joan Cuxart, Maria A. Jiménez, Daniel Martínez?Villagrasa, Rodrigo Picos, Alvaro López?Grifol, Belén Martí, "Observed Atmospheric and Surface Variability on Heterogeneous Terrain at the Hectometer Scale and Related Advective Transports " , "Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres" , Volum 124, Número 16, Pàgines 9407-9422, 2019. Article. José Luis Flores-Rojas; Joan Cuxart; Manuel Piñas-Laura; Stephany Callañaupa; Luis Suárez-Salas; Shailendra Kumar; Aldo S. Moya-Alvarez; Yamina SIlva, "Seasonal and diurnal Cycles of Surface Boundary Layer and Energy Balance in the Central Andes of Perú, Mantaro Valle " , "Atmosphere" , Volum 10, Número 12, Pàgines 759, 2019. Article. Joan Cuxart; Burkhard Wrenger; Blazenka Matjacic; Larry Mahrt, "Spatial variability of the Lower Atmospheric Boundary Layer over hilly terrain as observed with an RPAS " , "Atmosphere" , Volum 10, Número 11, Pàgines 715, 2019. Article. Hirsch, A.L.; Evans, J.P.; Di Virgilio, G.; Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S.E.; Argüeso, D.; Pitman, A.J.; Carouge, C.; Kala, J.; Andrys, J.; Petrelli, P. y Rockel, B., "Amplification of Australian Heatwaves via Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling " , "Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres" , Volum 124, Número 24, Pàgines 13625-13647, 2019. Article. Cardell, M. F., A. Amengual, and R. Romero, "Future effects of climate change on the suitability of wine grape production across Europe" , "Regional Environmental Change" , Volum 19, Pàgines 2299-2310, 2019. Article. Romero, R., M. Vich, and C. Ramis, "A pragmatic approach for the numerical prediction of meteotsunamis in Ciutadella harbour (Balearic Islands) " , "Ocean Modelling" [Online PDF ], 2019. Article. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J.; Amengual, A.; Garcia, C.; Morán-Tejeda, E.; Homar, V.; Maimó-Far, A; Hermoso, A.; Ramis, C.; Romero, R., "Hydro-meteorological reconstruction and geomorphological impact assessment of the October 2018 catastrophic flash flood at Sant Llorenc?, Mallorca (Spain) " , "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences" , Volum 19, Pàgines 2597-2617, 2019. Article.
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