Publicacions en revistes

  • M.A. Jiménez i J.Cuxart, "Large-Eddy simulations of the Stable Boundary-Layer: range of applicability using the standard Kolmogorov theory for dissipation.", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 115, Número 2, Pàgines 241-261, 2005. Article.
  • M.A. Jiménez and J. Cuxart, "Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stable Boundary Layer Using the Standard Kolmogorov Theory: Range of Applicability", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 115, Número 2, Pàgines 241-261, 2005. Article.
  • Ramis, C.; Romero, R.; Alonso, C., "Relative humidity", "The Encyclopedia of Water", Volum 3, 2005. Article.
  • Mariani, S., M. Casaioli, C. Accadia, M. C. Llasat, F. Pasi, S. Davolio, M. Elementi, G. Ficca, and R. Romero, "A limited area model intercomparison on the 'Montserrat-2000' flash-flood event using statistical and deterministic methods", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum 5, Pàgines 561-581, 2005. Article.
  • Anquetin, S., E. Yates, V. Ducrocq, S. Samouillan, K. Chancibault, S. Davolio, C. Accadia, M. Casaioli, S. Mariani, G. Ficca, B. Gozzini, F. Pasi, M. Pasqui, A. Martín, M. Martorell, R. Romero, and P. Chessa, "The 8 and 9 september 2002 flash flood event in France: A model intercomparison", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum 5, Pàgines 1-14, 2005. Article.
  • Romero, R.; Martín, A.; Homar, C.; Alonso, S.; Ramis, C., "Predictability of prototype flash flood events in the Western Mediterranean under uncertainties of the precursor upper-level disturbance: The HYDROPTIMET case studies", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum Special Issue, Número 5, Pàgines 505-525, 2005. Article.