Publicacions en revistes

  • Ramis, C., "Valoración de los impactos del cambio climático en el Mediterráneo: evidencias, incertidumbres y escenarios (articulo invitado

    , "Boletín ECOS", Número 5, 2008. Article.
  • Romero, R., "A method for quantifying the impacts and interactions of potential vorticity anomalies in extratropical cyclones", "Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society", Volum 134, Pàgines 385-402, 2008. Article.
  • Vich, M.; Jiménez, M.A. and Cuxart, J., "Estudi de tres periodes temporals ben diferenciats en una nit estable", "Tethys", Volum 4, Pàgines 37-47, 2008. Article.
  • Homar, V. y Stensrud, D.J., "Subjective versus objective sensitivity estimates: application to a North African cyclogenesis", "Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography", Volum 60, Número 5, Pàgines 1064-1078, 2008. Article.
  • Cuxart, J., "Nocturnal basin Low-Level Jets: an integrated study" [], "Acta Geophysica", Volum 56, Número 1, Pàgines 100-113, 2008. Article.
  • Bravo, A. Mira. M.R. Soler i J. Cuxart, "Intercomparison and evaluation of MM5 and Meso-NH mesoscale models on the stable boundary layer", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 128, Número 1, Pàgines 77-101, 2008. Article.
  • Conangla, L.; Cuxart, J. i Soler, M.R., "Characterization of the nocturnal boundary layer at the CIBA site", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 128, Número 2, Pàgines 256-276, 2008. Article.
  • Martínez, D.; Cuxart, J. and Cunillera, J., "Conditioned climatology for stably stratified nights in the Lleida area", "Tethys", Volum 5, Pàgines 13-24, 2008. Article.
  • Jiménez, M.A.; Cuxart, J.; Mira, A.; Luque, A.; Alonso, S. and Guijarro, J.A., "Verification of a clear-air mesoscale simulation using satellite-derived surface temperatures", "Monthly Weather Review", Volum 136, Número 12, Pàgines 5148-5161, 2008. Article.
  • Amengual, A.; Romero, R. and Alonso, S., "Hydrometeorological ensemble simulations of flood events over a small basin of Majorca Island, Spain", "Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society", Volum 134, Pàgines 1221-1242, 2008. Article.
  • Amengual, A.; Diomede, T.; Marsigli, C.; Martín, A.; Morgillo, A.; Romero, R.; Papetti, P. and Alonso, S., "A hydrometeorological model intercomparison as a tool to quantify the forecast uncertainty in a medium size basin", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum 8, Número 4, Pàgines 819-838, 2008. Article.