Publicacions en revistes

  • Amengual, A.; Carrió, D. S.; Ravazzani, G.; Homar, V., "A comparison of ensemble strategies for flash-flood forecasting: the 12 October 2007 case study in Valencia, Spain.", "Journal of Hydrometeorology", Volum 18, Pàgines 1143-1166, 2017. Article.
  • García, C.; Amengual, A.; Homar, V.; Zamora, A., "Losing water in temporary streams on a Mediterranean island: effects of climate and land-cover changes", "Global and Planetary Change", Volum 148, Pàgines 139-152, 2017. Article.
  • Carrió, D. S., V. Homar, A. Jansà, R. Romero, and M. A. Picornell, "Tropicalization process of the 7 November 2014 Mediterranean cyclone: Numerical sensitivity study", "Atmospheric Research", Volum 197, Pàgines 300-312, 2017. Article.
  • Andreas Platis; Daniel Martínez-Villagrasa; Frank Beyrich; Jens Bange, "Analysis of the influence of a lake on the lower convective boundary layer from airborne observations", "Meteorologische Zeitschrift", Volum 26, Número 2, Pàgines 161-180, 2017. Article.
  • Mayol E; Arrieta JM; Jiménez MA; Martínez-Asensio A; Garcias-Bonet N; Dachs J; González-Gaya B; Royer SJ; Benítez-Barrios VM; Fraile-Nuez E; Duarte CM, "Long-range transport of airborne microbes over the global Tropical and Subtropical Ocean", "Nature Communications", Volum 8, Número 201, 2017. Article.
  • Andreas Platis; Arnoldf F. Moene; Daniel Martínez-Villagrasa; Frank Beyrich; David Tupman; Jens Bange, "Observations of the Temperature and Humidity Structure Parameter Over Heterogeneous Terrain by Airborne Measurements During the LITFASS-2003 Campaign", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 165, Número 3, Pàgines 447-473, 2017. Article.
  • Jimenez, M.A.; Beltran, R-; Traveset, A.; Calleja, M.Ll.; Delgado-Huertas, A.; Marbà, N., "Aeolian transport of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) beach-cast to terrestrial Systems", "Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science", Volum 196, Pàgines 31-44, 2017. Article.
  • Vincendon, B; and Amengual, A, "Flash-flood forecasting in two Spanish Mediterranean catchments: a comparison of distinct hydrometeorological ensemble prediction strategies", "Hydrology and Earth System Sciences", Volum 427, Pàgines 1-38, 2017. Article.
  • C. Ramis, R. Romero, V. Homar, S. Alonso, A. Jansà and A. Amengual, "On the drought in the Balearic islands during the hydrological year 2015-2016", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Volum 17, Pàgines 2351-2364, 2017. Article.
  • Sanchez, J.M.; López-Urrea, R.; Cuxart, J.;, Montoro, A.; Caselles, V.; De La Cruz, F.; Dona, C.; Martinez, L., "Thermal remote sensing measurements as a tool to monitor evaporation/transpiration in vineyards" [Publicació online], "Acta Horticulturae", Volum 1150, Pàgines 203-210, 2017. Article.
  • Mann, J.; Angelou, N.; Arnqvist, J.; Callies, D.; Cantero, E.; Chávez Arroyo, R.; Courtney, M; Cuxart, J.; Dellwik, E.; Gottschall, J.; Ivanell, S.; Kühn, P.; Lea, G.; Matos, J.C.; Palma, J.M.L.M.; Pauscher, L.; Peña, A.; Sanz Rodrigo, J.; Söderberg, S.; Vasiljevic, N.; Veiga Rodrigues, C., "Complex terrain experiments in the New European Wind Atlas" [Publicació online], "Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences", Volum 375, Número 2091, 2017. Article.
  • B. Wrenger; J. Cuxart, "Evening Transition by a River Sampled Using a Remotely-Piloted Multicopter" [Publicació online], "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 165, Número 3, Pàgines 535-543, 2017. Article.
  • Jansà, A.; Homar, V.; Romero R.; Alonso S.; Guijarro, J. A.; Ramis, C., "Extension of summer climatic conditions into spring in the Western Mediterranean area", "International Journal of Climatology", Volum 37, Número 4, Pàgines 1938-1950, 2017. Article.
  • Romero, R. and K. Emanuel, "Climate change and hurricane-like extratropical cyclones: Projections for North-Atlantic polar lows and medicanes based on CMIP5 models", "Journal of Climate", Volum 30, Pàgines 279-299, 2017. Article.
  • Mayol, T.; Homar, V.; Ramis, C. ; Guijarro J. A., "PREGRIDBAL 1.0: towards a high-resolution rainfall atlas for the Balearic Islands (1950-2009)", "Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences", Número 17, Pàgines 1061-1074, 2017. Article.
  • J. Cuxart, "'Transport in the Atmosphere-Vegetation-Soil Continuum' by A. Moene and J. C. van Dam", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volum 162, Número 3, Pàgines 547-548, 2017. Article.
  • Cuxart, J., "Joint GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel and Third Pole Experiment Workshop", "GEWEX News", 2017. Ressenya.