Projectes i contractes

  • CGL2012-37416-C04-01 - "Flujos baroclinos y balance de energia superficial en terreno complejo", 2013-2015. Investigador principal: Joan Cuxart Rodamilans. Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Projecte.
  • "PRIVATE CRAT. Integrating the existent adaptation to climate risk information and filtering the forecasted climate variables that can affect the electricity generation sector. Projects for Research and Technological Development of the Government of the Basque Country", 2013. Investigador principal: Arnau Amengual. Government of the Basque Country. Contracte.
  • 17026801 - "Land-atmosphere interactions considering surface heterogeneity over complex terrain (LASH-COMPLEX)", 2013-2014. Investigador principal: Daniel Martínez Villagrasa. Unitersität Tübingen. Projecte.