AECT-2012-2-0009 - "Implementation of a High-Res Ensemble Kalman Filter for the Wetern Mediterranean", 2012. Investigador principal: Víctor Homar Santaner. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).. BSC-CNS is at the service of the international scientific community and industry that require High Performance Computing resources. Our multidisciplinary research team and our computational facilities -including MareNostrum - make BSC-CNS an international center of excellence in e-Science.. Projecte.
"Spring Forecasting Experiment 2012. Experimental forecast program of the NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed", 2012. Investigador principal: Jack Kain and Steven Weiss. Programa no específico. SPC/NSSL. Projecte.
CGL2011-24458 - "Mejora de las predicciones de tiempo severo Mediterráneo por medio de observaciones adaptativas y métodos avanzados de predicción por conjuntos en el marco de los proyectos ME", 2012-2015. Investigador principal: Víctor Homar Santaner. Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN). Projecte.
"PREDIMED: Improving short-range Mediterranean severe-weather forecasts by means of adaptive observations and advanced ensemble methods in MEDEX Phase II and HyMeX.MICINN (CGL2011-24458).", 2012-2014. Investigador principal: Dr. Víctor Homar Santaner. Programa Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo sobre el Clima. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). Projecte.
"Atmospheric Boundary Layer processes in Complex Terrain (computing time in ECMWF's supercomputing)", 2012-2014. Investigador principal: Joan Cuxart Rodamilans. European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Projecte.
CGL2011-24458 - "Improving short-range Mediterranean severe-weather forecasts by means of adaptive observations and advanced ensemble methods in MEDEX Phase II and HyMeX", 2012-2014. Investigador principal: Víctor Homar. Programa Nacional de Biodiversidad, Ciencias de la Tierra y Cambio Global. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Projecte.