Projectes i contractes

  • CGL2005-25033-E/CLI - "Red Ibérica para la investigación y desarrollo de aplicaciones en base al modelo atmosférico MM5 (Fase 3)", 2006-2007. Investigador principal: Romualdo Romero March. Programa Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo sobre el Clima. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Projecte.
  • AECT-2006-3-0001 - "Application of ensemble prediction techniques to high impact weather episodes in the Western Mediterranean (ENSEMBLE)", 2006. Investigador principal: Víctor Homar Santaner. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).. BSC-CNS is at the service of the international scientific community and industry that require High Performance Computing resources. Our multidisciplinary research team and our computational facilities -including MareNostrum - make BSC-CNS an international center of excellence in e-Science.. Projecte.
  • AECT-2006-4-0013 - "Application of ensemble prediction techniques to high impact weather episodes in the Western Mediterranean (ENSEMBLE)", 2006. Investigador principal: Víctor Homar Santaner. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).. BSC-CNS is at the service of the international scientific community and industry that require High Performance Computing resources. Our multidisciplinary research team and our computational facilities -including MareNostrum - make BSC-CNS an international center of excellence in e-Science.. Projecte.
  • CGL2006-12474-C03-01 - "TRANSCLA PARTE III: Estudio de procesos en la capa límite atmosférica mediante simulación numérica explícita, de mesoscala y su verificación", 2006-2010. Investigador principal: Joan Cuxart Rodamilans. Programa Nacional de Biodiversidad, Ciencias de la Tierra y Cambio Global. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Projecte.