Participació en congressos

  • M. Cardell, A. Amengual and R. Romero. , "Future effects of climate change on the suitability of agricultural crop production over Europe". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • A. Amengual and M. Borga. , "Hydro-meteorological analysis of an extreme flash-flood: The 28 September 2012 event in Murcia, south-eastern Spain". "Symposium 'Climate Change and Natural Hazards: coping with and managing hazards in the context of a changing climate'", Padova, Itàlia, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • H Roux, A Amengual, R Romero, E Bladé and M. Ramos. , "Evaluation of the performances of ensemble hydrometeorological strategies for flash flood forecasts and alert". "12th HyMeX workshop", Split, Croàcia, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • Carrió, Diego Saúl; Maimó, Aina; Homar, Víctor; Alonso, Sergio; Jansà, Agustí; Romero, Romualdo; Ramis, Climent. , "Attribution of an anomalous summerization of the springtime detected over the Western Mediterranean". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Ponència.
  • Jansà, Agustí; Guijarro, José Antonio; Maimó, Aina. , "Time and spatial differences on climate tendencies in the Balearics". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Ponència.
  • R. Romero, M. Vich and C. Ramis. , "A computationally cheap atmosphere-ocean modelling system aimed at anticipating meteotsunami occurrence in Ciutadella harbour". "7th International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • J. Cuxart; L. Conangla; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; M. A. Jiménez. , "Surface thermal inversion evolution in the bottom of a Pyrenean valley studied by single-column modelling forced with observed surface fluxes". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • Martínez-Villagrasa, D.; Martí, B. y Cuxart, J.. , "ET evolution along the drying transition season over a mesoscale Mediterranean island". "GHP Workshop: Determining Evapotranspiration", Sydney, Austràlia, 2019. Ponència.
  • D. Martínez-Villagrasa; J. Cuxart; G. Simó; M. A. Jiménez; B. Martí; J. R. Miró; L. Conangla; B. Wrenger; A. Paci; R. Picos. , "The Cerdanya Cold Pool programme (CCP1x): an integrated study on cold-air pooling and drainage flows in the largest Pyrenean valley". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Pòster.
  • A. Paci; M. A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart; M. Lothon; D. Martinez-Villagrasa; C. Roman-Cascon; G. André; P. Aressy; J. Barrié; Y. Bezombes; G. Bouhours; A. Dabas; S. Derrien; C. Dione; J. M. Donier; T. Douffet; J. B. Estrampes; O. Garrouste; F. Lohou; W. Maurel; E. Moulin; A. Philibert; H. Raynal; T. Rieutord; A. Roy; V. Unger. , "Exit jet in a narrow Pyrenean valley: the Aure valley 2018 field experiment". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Pòster.
  • B. Martí; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; J. Cuxart; E. Cantero; F. Borbón; J. Sanz Rodrigo; J.R. Miró; P. Santos; N. Vasiljevik; M. Courtney; J. Mann. , "The ALEX17 field experiment: characterizing the flow over complex terrain for wind energy research". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Pòster.
  • G. Simó; J. Cuxart; M. A. Jiménez; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; R. Picos. , "Observed atmospheric and surface variability on heterogeneous terrain at the hectometer scale and related advective transports". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Pòster.
  • P. Santos; E. Cantero; F. Borbón Guillén; J. Sanz Rodrigo; J. Mann; M. Courtney; N. Vasiljevic; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; B. Martí; J. Cuxart. , "The Alaiz Experiment (ALEX17): vizualing the flow in complex terrain with multi scanning lidars". "WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019 (WindEurope 2019): Session NEWA Final Workshop", Bilbao, Espanya, 2019. Dades de publicació: Presentació comunicació.
  • M. A. Jiménez; A. Grau; J. Cuxart. , "Estimation of the chilling hours in Mallorca through satellite-derived surface temperatures". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • A. Grau; M. A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart. , "Characterization of the sea-breeze in the Palma basin from in-situ and remote observations". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • Jiménez, M. A.; Grau, A.; Cuxart, J.. , "Spatial and temporal variability of the chilling hours over an agricultural area through satellite-derived surface temperatures". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU2019)", Vienna, Àustria, 2019. Pòster.
  • Grau, A.; Jiménez, M. A.; Cuxart, J.. , "Characterization of the physical mechanisms under sea-breeze conditions through in-situ and satellite observations". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU2019)", Vienna, Àustria, 2019. Pòster.
  • A. Hermoso; V. Homar. , "Solution of the Liouville equation for realistic atmospheric systems: limits and characteristics". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • A. Hermoso; V. Homar. , "Bred Vectors based tailored perturbations: application to mesoscale ensemble prediction system over the Western Mediterranean". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • Mancini, M; Corbari, C; Ceppi, A; Ravazzani, G; Lombardi, G; Feki, M; Cerri, L; Davolio, So; Salerno, R; Amengual, A; Homar, V; Romero, R. , "SIM: smart irrigation management from soil moisture forecasts using satellite and hydro-meteorological modelling". "II Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana Scienze dell'Atmosfera e Meteorologia (CN2-AISAM)", Napoli, Itàlia, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • D. Martínez-Villagrasa; B. Martí; A. López-Grifol; G. Simó; B. Wrenger; J. Dünnermann; R. Picos; J. Cuxart. , "BOU: a low-cost tethered balloon sensing system for monitoring the lower atmospheric boundary-layer". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", PALMA, Espanya, 2019. Pòster.
  • M. A. Jiménez; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; J. Cuxart; A. Paci; M. Lothon. , "Influence of a valley exit jet on the nocturnal atmospheric boundary-layer at the foothills of the Pyrenees". "7th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Pòster.
  • Jiménez, M. A.; Martínez-Villagrasa, D.; Lothon, M.; Roman-Cascon, C.; Cuxart, J.. , "Characterization of a valley exit jet at the foothills of the Pyrenees". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (EGU2019)", Vienna, Àustria, 2019. Pòster.
  • A. Maimó, V. Homar. , "Attribution of an annomalous summerization of the springtime detected over the Western Mediterranean.". "12th HyMeX Workshop", Split, Croàcia, 2019. Ponència.
  • D. S. Carrió; V. Homar; W. Louis. , "Improving the predictability of the 7 November 2014 Medicane event: Impact of remote sensing RS-AMVs using an EnKF data assimilation system.". "7th International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • A. Jansa; J. Campins; D. S. Carrió; V. Homar and M. A. Picornell. , "About tropical-like cyclones in the Mediterranean: The Ionian sea case of 28-29 September 2018". "7th International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • I. Maiello; V. Mazzarella; R. Ferretti; D. Carrio; V. Homar. , "Sviluppo di un sistema ciclico di assimilazione dati per la previsione a breve termine di un evento severo. Risultati preliminari.". "2º Congresso Nazionale (AISAM)", Napoli, Itàlia, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • D. Carrio; V. Homar; L. Wicker. , "Challenges of the EnKF over a Low-Predictable Extreme Weather Event: Impact of AMVs over a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Hurricane". "27th IUGG General Assembly", Montreal, Canadà, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • A. Hermoso, V. Homar. , "Tailored mesoscale ensemble forecasts: application to Western Mediterranean high impact weather". "EMS annual meeting 2019", Dinamarca, 2019. Presentació comunicació.
  • R. Romero, M. Vich, and C. Ramis. , "A pragmatic approach for the numerical prediction of meteotsunamis in Ciutadella harbour (Balearic Islands)". "The First World Conference on Meteotsunamis", Split, Croàcia, 2019. Ponència.
  • Bartomeu Alorda Ladaria; Víctor Homar Santaner; Maurici Ruiz Pérez. , "SmartSensPort-Palma: Red para la evaluación de la interfaz puerto-ciudad". "V Congreso de Ciudades Inteligentes", Espanya, 2019. Dades de publicació: Revista on-line y LIBRO DE COMUNICACIONES Y PROYECTOS. ISBN: 9781096260110. Presentació comunicació.
  • M. A. Jiménez; A. Grau; J. Cuxart. , "Characterization of weak-wind and clear-sky nights that contribute to the chilling hours". "European Meteorological Society, 2019 meeting", Dinamarca, 2019. Pòster.
  • A. Boone, M. Best, J. Cuxart, J. Polcher, P. Quintana, J. Bellvert, J. Brooke, G. Canut-Rocafort, J. Price. , "Land Surface Interactions with the Atmosphere over the Iberian Semi-Arid Environment (LIAISE): Field campaign overview". "Europen Meteorological Society, 2019 meeting", Dinamarca, 2019. Ponència.
  • J. Cuxart, B. Matjacic, M. Telisman-Prtenjak. , "Influence of topography in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer of the Pannonian Basin". "European Meteorological Society, 2019 meeting", Dinamarca, 2019. Pòster.
  • P. van Oevelen, J. Cuxart, and R. Rasmussen. , "The GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Projects Linking the High Mountain Regions of the World". "European Geophysical Union, 2019 meeting", Àustria, 2019. Ponència.
  • M.A. Jiménez; D. Moranta; J. Torrens; L. Ferrer; J.A. Jurado-Rivera; C. Palomino; A. Borràs; R. Santamarta; S. Tejada; A. Sureda; F. Masdeu; M.M. Bibiloni. , "A critical review of the organization, methodology and assessment in the first-year laboratory lectures of science and engineering degrees at the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain)". "11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies", Palma, Espanya, 2019. Dades de publicació: EDULEARN19 Proceedings. Pòster.
  • J. Cuxart. , "ET-induced mesoscale circulations between large irrigated areas and their dry surroundings". "GHP WORKSHOP: DETERMINING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION", Sydney, Austràlia, 2019. Ponència.
  • J, Cuxart, M. Telisman-Prtenjak, B. Matjacic. , "The role of the Pannonian basin internal and peripheral topography in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer structure". "5th workshop PannEx", Novi Sad, , 2019. Ponència.