Participació en congressos

  • Amengual, A.; Cuxart, J.; Vallespir, J.. , "Impact of climate change on several wine-growing regions of Spain". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Pòster.
  • Ravazzani, G.; Amengual, A.; Ceppi, A.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Mancini, M.. , "A hydro-meteorological ensemble prediction system for real-time flood forecasting purposes in the Milano area". "The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly", Vienna, Àustria, 2015. Dades de publicació: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-2249, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Tous, M.; Zappa, G.; Romero, R.; Shaffrey, L.. , "'Medicanes in HadGEM3 N512 climate simulations'". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed)", Istambul, Turquia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió, Víctor Homar Santaner, Ulrich Corsmeier. , "IMPACT OF KITCUBE DATA ON THE PREDICTION OF MARITIME CONVECTIVE SEVERE WEATHER. TEST FOR HYMEX IOP13 EVENT". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Víctor Homar Santaner, Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió,. , "POTENTIAL OF ENSEMBLE DATA ASSIMILATION METHODS TO FORECAST SEVERE CONVECTIVE PHENOMENA OVER THE SEA". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Pòster.
  • Homar Santaner, Víctor; Carrió Carrió, Diego; Corsmeier, Ulrich. , "Impacts of KITCube extra observations on the prediction of the HyMeX IOP13 severe weather event". "European Conference on Severe Storms 2015", Viena, Àustria, 2015. Pòster.
  • Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió,Víctor Homar Santaner, Ullrich Corsmeier. , "IMPACTS OF KITCUBE EXTRA OBSERVATIONS ON THE PREDICTION OF THE HYMEX IOP13 SEVERE WEATHER EVENT". "9th HyMeX workshop 2015", Mykonos, Grècia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió, Víctor Homar Santaner. , "THE SQUALL LINE OF 4TH OCTOBER 2007 OVER THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN: ATTRIBUTING ITS PREDICTABILITY". "European Conference on Severe Storms 2015", Viena, Àustria, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió,Víctor Homar Santaner. , "BENEFITS OF SEQUENTIAL DATA ASSIMILATION METHODS FOR THE PREDICTABILITY OF MEDITERRANEAN SEVERE WEATHER". "9th HyMeX workshop 2015", Mykonos, Grècia, 2015. Pòster.
  • Röhner, L.; Homar, V.; Carrio, D.; Montani, A.; Corsmeier, U.. , "Model study of HyMeX IOP8 - a Mediterranean heavy precipitation event". "9th HyMeX workshop 2015", Mykonos, Grècia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • J. Cuxart, T. Weidinger, G. Simó, B. Wrenger, A. Z. Gyongyosi, D. Tatrai, Z. Istenes, B. Matjacic, Z.Nagy, A. Bordas, A. Kircsi and J. Jozsa. , "Pannonian atmospheric boundary layer studies (PABLS): some fndings of the 2013 and 2015 campaigns". "GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin", Osijek, Croàcia, 2015. Pòster.
  • Bu.Wrenger, Árpád Bordás, Joan Cuxart, Gemma Simó, Tamás Weidinger. , "Multicopter measurements in the PABLS15 campaign". "GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin", Osijek, Croàcia, 2015. Conferència convidada.
  • JIMÉNEZ, M.A., SIMÓ, G., WRENGER, B., MARTÍNEZ, D., GUIJARRO, J.A., TELISMAN-PRTENJAK, M. and CUXART, J. , "Phases of the sea-breeze in the island of Mallorca". "5th International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Pòster.
  • Martínez-Villagrasa, D., L. Conangla, D. Tabarelli, M. A. Jiménez, J. R. Miró, D. Zardi, and J. Cuxart. , "Slope and valley flows at the Cerdanya valley in the Pyrenees". "33rd International Conference on Alpine Meteorology", Innsbruck, Àustria, 2015. Pòster.
  • Jiménez, M.A.; Beltran, R.; Travesset, A.; Marbà, N.. , "Effect of environmental conditions on the deposits of seagrass litter in two contrasting beaches of Mallorca island". "5th International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Pòster.
  • M.A. Jiménez. , "Observed downslope winds during BLLAST'11 and their representation in the MesoNH model". "BLLAST Workshop: Outcome of the 2011 BLLAST field experiment", Barcelona, Espanya, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Jimenez, M.A.; Simó, G.; Wrenger, B.; Telisman-Prtenjak, M.; Guijarro, J.A.; Cuxart, J.. , "A morning transition case between the land and the sea breeze regimes". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Wien, Àustria, 2015. Pòster.
  • Bazile, E.; LeMogine, P.; Favot, F.; Maurel, W.; Angevine, W.; Beau, I.; Cheng, A.; Edwards, J.M.; Fortelius, C.; Jimenez, M.A.; Sandu, I.; Schroth, A.; Vignon, E.; Zadra, A.; Zheng, W.. , "SCM Intercomparison stage 1 & 2 Preliminary results". "JOINT GABLS4/DICE WORKSHOP", Toulouse, França, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Jimenez, M.A.; LeMogine, P.; Cuxart, J.. , "The land/atmosphere coupling in the MesoNH model". "JOINT GABLS4/DICE WORKSHOP", Toulouse, França, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Jansa, A., Homar, V., Romero, R., Alonso, S., Guijarro, J. A., Ramis, C.. , "EXTENSION OF MEDITERRANEAN SUMMER TOWARDS SPRING". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Luisa Röhner, Víctor Homar, Diego Carrio, Andrea Montani and Ulrich Corsmeier. , "Model study of a Mediterranean heavy precipitation event during the HyMeX campaign (MED)". "PANDOWAE Final Symposium Progress and Future Directions of Research on Predictability and Dynamics of midlatitude Weather Systems", Karlsruhe, Alemanya, 2015. Pòster.
  • Víctor Homar. , "Mediterranean high-impact weather, physical mechanisms and predictability aspects". "PANDOWAE Final Symposium Progress and Future Directions of Research on Predictability and Dynamics of midlatitude Weather Systems", Karlsruhe, Alemanya, 2015. Conferència convidada.
  • Martí, B., D. Martínez-Villagrasa, and J. Cuxart. , "An experimental evolution of the fine structure of the temperature profile 2 m above the surface". "5th International Meeting on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Pòster.
  • G. Simó, J. Cuxart, T. Weidinger, A.Z. Gyongyosi, B. Wrenger, Z. Istenes, Z. Bottyan, Z. Bozoki, D. Tatrai, A. Jericevic, B. Matjacic, M. Kiss, J. Jozsa. , "Field study of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Pannonian Plain". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Istanbul, Turquia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • B. Martí, D. Martínez-Villagrasa, and J. Cuxart. , "An Experimental Evolution of the Fine Structure An Experimental Evolution of the Fine Structure of the Temperature Profile 2 m above the Surface". "5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean", Turquia, 2015. Pòster.
  • Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Di Luca, A.. , "Changes of temperature and humidity in areas of city sprawl under climate change conditions". "9th International Conference on Urban expansion and climate", Toulouse, França, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Evans, J. P.; Olson, R.; Fita, L.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.. , "NARCliM model performance including teleconnections with climate modes". "21th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2015)", Gold Coast, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Perkins, S. E.; White, C. J.; Alexander, L. V.; Argüeso, D.; Boschat, G.; Cowan, T.; Evans, J. P.; Ekström, M.; Oliver, E. C. J.; Phatak, A.; Purich, A.. , "Natural hazards in Australia: heatwaves". "21th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2015)", Gold Coast, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Olson, R.; Ji, F.; Fita, L.. , "NARCliM; Future regional projections for south-east Australia". "Greenhouse 2015", Hobart, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Evans, J. P.; Pepler, A.; Di Luca, A.; Ji, F.; Alexander, L.; Argüeso, D.. , "Future changes in Extreme East Coast Lows". "36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (HWRS 2015)", Hobart, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.. , "WRF simulations of future changes in IFD curves". "36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (HWRS 2015)", Hobart, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Bates, B. C.; Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Green, J.; Griesser, A.; Jakob, D.; Seed, A.; Lau, R.; Lehmann, E.; Phatak, A.; Abbs, D.; Lavender, S.; Nguyen, K.; Rafter, T.; Thatcher, M.; Zheng, F.; Westra, S.; Leonard, M.. , "Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Design Rainfall IFD Curves". "36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (HWRS 2015)", Hobart, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Fita, L.; Olson, R.. , "WRF Performance over the CORDEX-AustralAsia Domain". "AOGS Annual Meeting 2015", Singapore, Singapur, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Perkins, S. E.; Di Luca, A.. , "High-resolution projections of heat wave changes in South-East Australia". "AMOS National Conference 2015", Brisbane, Austràlia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Jamandre, C.; Hart, M.; Pitman, A. J.; Argüeso, D.. , "Influence of urban expansion and densifcaton on local climate". "AMOS National Conference 2015", Brisbane, Austràlia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Di Luca, A.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.. , "Using QuikSCAT wind data to evaluate some properties of ECLs as derived from reanalysis products". "AMOS National Conference 2015", Brisbane, Austràlia, 2015. Presentació comunicació.
  • Ji, F.; Evans, J. P.; Scorgie, Y.; Jiang, N.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Olson, R.. , "Change in Temperature Inversion for Southeast Australia". "21th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2015)", Gold Coast, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Fei, Ji.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Fita, L.. , "Investigating changes in indicated East Coast Lows". "AMOS National Conference 2015", Brisbane, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Olson, R.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.. , "The NARCliM Project: Significance and Model Agreement on Climate Projections". "AMOS National Conference 2015", Brisbane, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • Evans, J. P.; Pepler, A.; Di Luca, A.; Ji, F.; Alexander, L.; Argüeso, D.. , "Future changes in Extreme East Coast Lows". "26th IUGG general Assembly 2015", Prague, República Txeca, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • García-Valdecasas-Ojeda, M.; Gámiz-Fortis, S. R.; Hidalgo-Muñoz, J. M.; Argüeso, D.; Castro-Díez, Y.; Esteban-Parra, M. J.. , "Regional Climate Model sensitivity to different parameterizations schemes with WRF over Spain". "EGU General Assembly", Vienna, Austràlia, 2015. Sense especificar.
  • García-Valdecasas-Ojeda, M.; Gámiz-Fortis, S. R.; Hidalgo-Muñoz, J. M.; Argüeso, D.; Castro-Díez, Y.; Esteban-Parra, M. J.. , "Assessment of WRF Physics Options for Dynamical Downscaling over Spain". "International Simposium CLIMA-ES", Tortosa, Espanya, 2015. Sense especificar.