Atmospheric Science Post-Doctoral Position at IC3, Barcelona

An Atmospheric Science Post-Doctoral Position has been announced, to work with Seasonal to Decadal Climate Forecasts for Renewable Energy Climate Services, at the IC3 Headquarters in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.


The Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3) is a climate institution created by the Government of Catalunya and the University of Barcelona, aiming at understanding climate change and variability, the dynamics and theory underlying those changes and the impact on society. IC3 focus on the Mediterranean regions, tropical Africa, South America and Southeast Asia.

The Climate Forecasting Unit (CFU) undertakes research to forecast global climate variations from one month to several years into the future (also known as seasonal-to- decadal prediction). The unit members also investigate the impact of climate variability in socio-economic sectors, and the management of such risk via the development of climate services for renewable energy, insurance, etc.

For details, see and

The Climate Forecasting Unit (CFU) at IC3 seeks a climate scientist with experience in climate forecasting, to formulate global and local seasonal to decadal climate predictions applicable to the renewable energy sector.


The successful applicant will formulate a range of climate forecasts to assess climate risks over space and time for renewable energy stakeholders. Additionally, statistical downscaling of a battery of coarse-resolution global climate predictions will be needed to produce local climate predictive information using variables like the sea level pressure to predict wind and solar resource variability. These variables will then be used by the CFU climate services team to interact with the renewable energy sector in a unique and challenging opportunity to bridge the gap between the producing centres and the actual users of the climate information.

The applicant should have experience in dealing with, formulating and verifying multi- model climate forecasts. Experience in empirical statistical downscaling techniques, ideally focused towards the application in climate impact studies will be valued. Applicants should show an interest in advancing the understanding and evaluation of climate predictions to the end users. Under supervision from the Head of the CFU, Prof. Francisco Doblas-Reyes, he/she will examine the strengths and limitations of several climate forecasting systems by quantitatively formulating calibrated probability forecasts from the output of state-of-the-art global and local climate forecast systems, and the extent to which downscaled predictions provide additional skill and value. He/she will produce peer-reviewed publications, present results at scientific/non-scientific conferences, and work with the climate services manager to write clear and succinct briefing documents on climate prediction for IC3’s climate services.

The person appointed will be involved in the EUPORIAS European FP7 project, and will collaborate with partners in other FP7 projects such as SPECS and EUCLEIA. His/her activity will be positioned within the context of WMO’s Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The aim of both the FP7 projects and the GFCS is to advance climate predictions to provide actionable seasonal to decadal climate information to key sectors of society. This position therefore presents the opportunity to work alongside a wide range of leading, international climate scientists delivering cutting-edge climate science and climate services across Europe. The incumbent will enjoy joining one of the leading and most dynamic European groups in the field of climate prediction and climate services.


Applicants must have a Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences, applied statistics, or a related field. Ideal candidates will have several of the following attributes:

• previous experience in working with and analysing global climate model outputs, preferably climate predictions;

• knowledge of weather types and extratropical teleconnections;

• multivariate statistical climate data analysis skills;

• previous experience in applying climate information within the context of climate impact studies;

• experience with statistical downscaling techniques for climate data; • advanced programming skills in R, as well as knowledge of cdo, nco, fortran and/or

python; • use of a linux distribution; • excellent verbal and written communication skills in English;

• a willingness and temperament to facilitate the communication between climate scientists/modellers, climate impact researchers, and users of downscaled climate products from local, state, and federal agencies, industry, and non-profit organisations.


The initial contract will be for 1 year, with a possibility for extension.

The gross salary will be between IC3 level S10, 26,078€/yr and S13, 30.591,50€/yr and commensurate with experience. It is hoped that the candidate could start as soon as possible.

To apply, please send your CV accompanied with a brief statement (max. 1 page) of interest and experience with the following subject “Application for Atmospheric Science – Post Doctoral Position” by e-mail to

IC3 Human Resources Department:
C/ Doctor Trueta Barcelona, 08005
Phone: +34 93 567 99 77
Fax: +34 93 309 76 00

Data de publicació: 03/07/2013